
Sand or Glass Filter Vs Cartridge Filters

I often have customers asking me which is the best filter for their swimming pool, a cartridge or sand or glass media filter.

The answer depends on a number of factors, such as:

How much room is there for a filter?

Do you have room to backwash around 250-500 litres of water each time you backwash?

Whether you want to collect the finest particles in the filter, and other issues.

While I try to assess these for you when you contact me, I thought I would outline some major differences between cartridge filters and media filters to assist you in making the best decision for your pool.

Advantages of Cartridge Filters

  • Takes up less physical room
  • Don’t require somewhere to backwash
  • Filters to finer micron (filters finer particle size) so better water clarity
  • Having a spare cartridge makes the cleaning easier
  • Saves water

Advantages of Media Filters

  • Less ongoing costs, no replacement filters to buy every 2 years
  • Less maintenance, backwashing is often monthly and takes less work than hosing cartridge elements
  • Glass media filters can be used with mineral magnesium pools (Cartridge not recommended)


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Daisy Pool Cover

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Please feel welcome to also email us a diagram along with the answers below
Using the how to measure diagram, please provide the size of your pool in metres, please provide Pool Width (A) and Pool Length (B) in metres
Please include total length (B) in metres and total width (A) in metres if you have not listed it below the diagram
Does your pool have a step? Please note if your step is at the end of the pool and not on the side, you need to include it in the overall length of the pool as they cannot add to the length of the blanket for a step, only the width*
If your pool has a step is it on the RHS or LHS when looking from the shallow end of the pool?
What cover shall we quote you on? Note the thickest 525 micron covers do last longer*
If you need a quote on a roller, which roller shall we quote? If you choose one that does not suit the size of your pool, we will quote the closest option.*

If you already have a roller, do you need the attachment kit (refit kit) to reattach your new blanket to your existing roller? Please note if you are ordering a roller it will come with an attachment kit included*
If you already have a roller, do you need an over cover to protect the blanket once rolled up. You will likely already have one, but some customers find it has worn out so they need a new one to protect their new blanket. If you need an over cover we need to know the length of the roller tube in metres. Please note if you are ordering a roller it will come with an over cover included.*
Picture shows over cover (and roller leg)
The white material is the over cover protecting the blanket when rolled up
Delivery is $27.50 or you can choose to collect from Daisy in Welshpool
Do you want Daisy to install your item/s? We can organise the professionals at Daisy to install your items for you if you live in the metro area.*
Send me a copy of my responses.*
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